Monday, April 10, 2017

Unit 4 (MONEY)

What would happen if we had no money?

  • The barter system: goods and services are traded directly. No money is exchanged.
  • Money is anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services.
  • Money not the same as wealth or income
  • Wealth is the total collection of assets that store value
  • Income is flow of earnings per unit of time
Money can be used as a

  • Medium of exchange
    • buy goods and services
  • Unit of account
    • measuring the value of goods and services
  • Store of value
3 Types of money

  1. Representative
    • represents something of value
    • IOU's 
  2. Commodity
    • Something that performs the function of money and has alternative uses
    • Salt, Gold and silver
  3. Fiat money
    • serves as money but has no other important uses
    • paper money
    • coins
6 characteristics of money

  1. Durability
  2. Portability
  3. Limited supply
  4. Divisibility
  5. Acceptability
  6. Uniformity
3 Types of money

  • Liquidity - money converted to cash
  • M1 - Coins, currency, and check-able deposits.
  • M2 - M1 plus savings deposits, time deposits and mutual funds below $100k.
  • M3 - M2 plus time deposits above $100K
Purpose of Institutions

  • Store $
  • Save $
    • Savings acct.
    • Checking acct.
    • CD
    • Money market acct.
  • Loans $
    • Interest - prices paid for the use of borrowed money
    • Principle - amount that you borrow
Types of financial intermediaries

  • Commercial banks
  • Credit Union
  • Svaing and loans institutions
  • Finance companies
  • Fund companies
The financial system

  • Assets - anything of monetary value owned by a person or business
    • Financial - a paper claim that entities the buyer to future income from the seller
    • Physical - a claim on a tangible object
    • Liability - is what you owe
    • There are 5 major financial assets: loans, stocks, bonds, loan backed securities and bank deposits.
Interest Rates and Inflation

  • The time value of money - a dollar is worth more today than it is tomorrow. You are losing money every second you are not investing it.
    • RIR - Real = nominal - expected inflation
    • NIR - Nominal = Real + expected inflation
    • RIR - intended return on an investment for lending. True cost of borrowing
Present vs. Future value

  • Future value - if you invest money to someone, it will compound according to FV = PV (1+i)^t
  • Present value - is the amount of money need to invest now, in order to get some amount in the future. PV= FV/(1+r)^n
Time Value of Money
  • v=(1+r)^n X p
  • v=future value of $
  • p= present value of $
  • r=real interest rate (non-inf) decimal
  • n= years
  • k= number of times interest is credited per year
  • v=(1+r/k)^nk X p

1 comment:

  1. Jean you have a great blog it's very organized and has descriptive pictures to help explain the topic.
