Monday, April 10, 2017

Fun with MPC and MPS

MPC + MPS = 1
The spending multiplier effect

  • An initial change in spending causing a larger change in aggregate spending, or agggregate demand (AD)
    • Multiplier = Change in AD/Chnage in spending = AD/ C, I, G, Xn
  • Why? expenditures and income flow continuously which sets off a spending ^ in the economy.
Calculating spending multiplier

  • 1/1-MPC pr 1/MPS
  • Multiplier is + when increase in spending but - when decrease in spending
Calculating tax multiplier

  • When the government texes, the multiplier work in reverse.
  • Money leaving circular flow
  • Tax mulitplier = MPC/ 1- MPC or -MPC/MPS
  • If there is a taxcut, then the multiplier is +, more money in circular flow
Why prices tend to be sticky

  • Menu cost
  • Fear of price wars
  • Wage contracts
  • Minimum wage
  • Moral effort and productivity
Output level low, unemployment increase, GDP decrease and there is a recession.
Upward sloping, output expands as total increase
Firms cant respond in increase in demand by increase output.

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