Monday, April 10, 2017

Fiscal Policy

How does the government stabilizes the economy?

  •  The government has 2 different tool boxes it can use
    • Fiscal Policy - Actions by congress to stabilize the economy
Fiscal Policy

  • Changes in the expanditures or tax revenues of the federal government
  • Tools of fiscal policy: taxes - government can increase or decrease taxes. Spending - govt. can increase or decrease spending
    • Fiscal policy is enacted to promote our nations economic goals: full employment, price stability, economic growth
Deficit, Surpluses and Debt

  • Balanced budget: revenues = expenditures
  • Budget deficit: Revenues < expenditures
  • Budget surplus: Revenues > expenditures
  • Government debt: Sum of all deficit - sum all surpluses
  • Govt. must borrow money when it runs a budget deficit
  • Govt. borrows from: individuals, corporations, financial institutions, foreign entities or govt.
Fiscal Policy two options

  • Discretionary fiscal policy (action)
    • Expansionary - think deficit
    • Contractionary - think surplus
  • Non - discretionary (no action)
3 types of taxes
  • Progressive tax - takes a larger % of income from high income groups
  • Proportional taxes - takes the same % of income from all income groups
  • Regressive taxes - takes a larger % from low income groups.
Contractionary Fiscal Policy
  • Decrease govt. spending
  • tax increases
  • Combinations of the two
Expansionary Fiscal Policy
  • Increase govt. spending
  • decrease taxes on consumers
  • Combinations of the two
Automatic or Built in stabilizers
  • Anything that increases the govt. budget deficit during a recession and increase it's budget surplus during inflation without requiring explicit action by policy makers
Non-discretionary fiscal policy
  • Corporate dividends
  • social security
  • veterans benefit
Transfer payments
  • welfare checks
  • food stamps
  • unemployment checks
Expansionary is reduced with DI but recession reduce drops

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