Thursday, May 18, 2017

Unit 6

  • Stagflation- high inflation combined with high unemployment and stagnant demand in a countries economy
  • Deflation - reduction of the general level of prices in an economy
  • Disinflation - decrease in the rate of inflation, slowdown in the rate of increase of the general price level of goods and services.
  • Inflation - general level of prices for goods purchasing power of currency is falling
  • Causes of adverse supply side shock would be rising oil prices, bad weather and decline in productivity. This causes an unexpected increase in cost or disruption to production
  • Demand pull inflation is the result of increase in total spending without any accompanied =
  • Cost push inflation is the result of negative shocks to total production capacity. Increase unemployment and reduced production capacity
  • Supply side economics focus on the expansion of the long run supply curve. Less government (taxes and spending)
  • Economists call the knowledge and skills that make a worker productive a human capital.
  • Major measure of economic growth is changes in real GDP per capita

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