Monday, February 13, 2017


  • Business - organization producers goods and services.
  • Household - person or group of people that show income
    • Represents transactions - in an economy by flows around a circle.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Total value of all final goods and services produced within a countries boarders within a given year.
  •  Includes: All production and income earned within the U.S. and foreign users. It excludes production outside of U.S. even by Americans.
  1. C- Consumption:67% of U.S. economy purchase of finished goods and services.
  2. Ig- Gross Private Domestic Investment: Deals with factory equipment, construction of housing, unsold inventory built within that year and factory equipment maintenance. 18% of economy.
  3. G- Government Spending: 17% of economy.
  4. Xn- Net Exports: (exports - imports) -2% of economy.
Gross National Production (GNP)
  • Total value of all final goods and services produced by Americans in a given year.
  • Includes: Production or income earned by Americans anywhere in the world.
  • Does not include production by non-Americans even in the U.S.
 C + Ig + G + Xn = GDP

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