Monday, February 13, 2017


  • GNP: GDP + Net Foreign Factor Payment
  • Gross Investment: Net investment - Depreciation
  • Net National Product: GNP - Deprecation 
  • Net Domestic Product: GDP - Deprecation
  • Disposable Personal Income: National income - Personal taxes + govt. transfer payments
  • Trade: Govt. purchases of goods and services + Transfer payments - Govt. tax and fee collection.
  • Budget: Govt. purchases of goods and services + Transfer payments + Govt. tax and fee collection
  • National income: Compensation employee + corporate profits + interest income + rental income + proprietors income
  • GDP: Consumption + Gross private domestic + Govt. spending + Net Exports.
    • Income: Wages + Rents + Interest + Profits and Proprietor income
  • Rule of 70: 70 / annual rate of inflation
  • Real interest rate: Nominal interest rate - Expected inflation rate. Base price x Units of output current year
  • Ideal inflation rate: Current price index - base year price index / base year price index x 100
  • Nominal: Price per unit x Units of Output
  • Inflation: CPI current year - CPI base year x 100. New - Old / Old x 100
  • Unemployment: Unemployment / Labor force (unemployment and employment) x100


  1. Nice blog! May i suggest highlighting crucial formulas that may show up on test day. This would help tremendously, as it would be easier to pick out the important information needed in a short amount of time.

  2. The videos really helped. Sometimes when you don't understand things from reading, videos can really help to explain better, so i'm really glad you included those. Also I like how you included all the formulas in one place. It makes them easier to study instead of going back and forth.
