Sunday, January 22, 2017

Production Possibilities Graph (PPG)

    • The line on the PPG is known as the frontier or the curve. 
  • Production Possibilities Curve (PPC)
    • When producing at the frontier efficiency occurs.
    • When producing beneath the frontier under utilization is occurring.
  • Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF)
    • Efficiency - using resources in such a way as to maximize production of goods and services efficiency increases profits.
    • Undervaluation - It is the opposite of efficiency is using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using.
      • leads to a decrease in profits.
  • 2 Types of Efficiency 
    • Productive - Products are being produced in the least costly way. This is any point ON the production possibilities curve.
    • Allocative - The products being produced are the ones most desired by society. This optimal point on the PPC depends on the desires of society.
  • The law of increasing opportunity cost
    • When resources are shifted from making one good or service to another the cost of producing the second item increases.

 3 Types of movement occur within PPC


Point B - attainable and efficient inside the curve
Point D - attainable and inefficient. Recession under utilization. Famine unemployment/underemployment of resources.
Point E - unattainable using current resources. Technology and Economic growth
  • 4 Key Assumptions
  1. Only 2 goods can be produced
  2. Full employment outside points of resources
  3. Fixed resources (factors of production)
  4. Fixed technology

If you need more info:

1 comment:

  1. your blog has very neat color scheme, but your notes on the PPC is really descriptive and helped me a lot when studying for the test!
    -S ;)
